Friday, November 12, 2010

by Self Born Allah (Asukile Bandele)
from the book, Kultural Eunuchs, available at

Musa is an emissary of the Supreme Being, the Master of the Universe,
Self Allah (M.U.S.A). He represents or re-presents, in the sense of
Being a ‘prophet’, Power based on the Truth of the Culture, which is IGod,
expressed as I Self Lord And Master (I.S.L.A.M). in the context
of the Wisdom Degree of the Lost-Found Muslim Lesson #1, Musa’s
task is to Free the dumb, deaf, and blind (savage) and Born the Science
of I Self Lord And Master with his Wise words, ways, and actions;
regardless to whom or what: Person, Place, or Thing (2,000). We
Supremely Know and Understand that it is through Our Wisdom that
We are Born and See[n], (2,000 B.C), Known, and that We are to travel
from Knowledge to Born to show and prove Self as the Only Savior:
A.L.L.A.H. Through Our Equality (5, E), ---- Knowledge, Wisdom,
and Understanding --- We constantly Refine the Self and live Our
Culture or Freedom, which is Divine. This all Borns to the I: Self Lord
And Master. (M.U.S.A = Master You or Universe Self or Savior Allah
= 13 + 21 + 19 + 1 = 54 [Power Culture] = 5 + 4 = 9 = Born and I or
I.S.L.A.M [9, I]) In this wilderness of North America We, the Lost-
Found members of the Original Asiatic Nation, of the Tribe of
Shabazz, of the Nation of Gods and Earths, have been reduced to a
state of mental slavery or savage/devil, and it will Be through Mastery,
not ‘mystery’, that You will save yourself, Arm Leg Leg Arm Head
(A.L.L.A.H), by traveling the route (years/miles) based on your Own
Wisdom (words, ways, and actins) and Be See[n] by all the human
families of the Planet Earth. However, going from savage to Civilized
is a “hard time”. Between these two mind-states is M.U.S.A the
emissary: Master You[r] Self, Allah. A savage is a person who has
“lost the Knowledge of himself and is living a beast life”. Civilized is
one who has “Knowledge, Wisdom, and Understanding and is not a
savage in the pursuit of happiness”. We Know and Understand that a
beast is, primarily, any “four-footed animal, as distinguished from
birds, reptiles, fishes, etc. , as well as from human beings”. Sometimes
a beast is considered a brutal person. In the Bible it is put forth that WE
(Wise Enlighteners) are to have “dominion (Power) over the fish of the
sea, the birds of the air, and the cattle, and over all the wild animals and
all the creatures that crawl on the ground” (Genesis 1:26). This same
Idea We have in Qur’an:
“Do ye not see that Allah has
subjected to your (use) all things in
the Heavens and on Earth, and has
made His bounties flow to you in
exceeding measure, (both) seen and
unseen? Yet there are among men
those who dispute about Allah,
without knowledge and without
guidance, and without a Book to
enlighten them!” (Qur’an 31:20)
We Know and Understand Man as Master Allah Now: M.A.N. We are
advised against taking on the attributes of the beasts and other wild
animals; We show and prove the reality of the Supreme Being by Being
Supreme: Allah. This is the Knowledge that has been lost and the
devil’s tricknowlogy has caused the effect of many falling a victim.
Inherent in Our Being is the Knowledge (1) and Wisdom (2) [1/2] of
the Original Man, the Cipher Master; Master of the Universe, Self
Allah. This is symbolic of Musa Being “half Original” with the
capacity to Master Allah Now: M.A.N. Once We begin on this path,
dealing in everything right and exact, We have a duty to act as
emissaries or ‘prophets’ and civilize the uncivilized (savage/devil).
With Wise words, ways, and actions we step into the Cipher, ----
Person, Place, or Thing ----- and manifest that which We Be from the
workshop of the “All Eye Seeing”, which is the Mind, that place from
which We See. (2,000 B.C) We anticipate the “Christ”, the anointed
One, by demonstrating Our “Asiatic world” heritage of Knowing Allah
(11,000) regardless of the Cipher We are dealing with: Person, Place,
or Thing. This mental attitude shows and prove (11,000 = 1 + 1 = 2) Us
as the King of the Kingdom (11,K) or Queen (Wisdom 11= 1 + 1 = 2).
The King Rules Wisely with His Wisdom, the Wise Black Queen, by
virtue of the level of Civilization that He exhibits, based on His
Originality of Knowledge and Wisdom. We teach fluently Man,
Woman, and Child: “the human family of the Planet Earth”. Peace!!!

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